Working with communities to develop plans and processes focused on the triple bottom line of sustainability

Our Focus


Increase Equity

As professional Planners, we have an interest and a responsibility in “Creating Great Communities for All.” We take this mission seriously and seek to move beyond simple inclusiveness in our processes. Treating all communities equally is not sufficient. Equality is the end goal, but the path there must be through equity. Recognizing and addressing unique challenges is the best way to build fairer, more just communities.


Protect Our Environment

Every plan, every action, every project affects our environment. We understand far too much about how human decisions have impacted our planet to act heedlessly. Simply reducing or mitigating this impact is not enough. Our work must seek to protect, sustain, and restore our environment and our natural resources. We plan for the realities of a changing environment and seek to leave behind a livable world for future generations.


Grow Our Economy

Planning patriarch Daniel Burnham exhorted us to “Make no small plans; they lack the magic to stir men’s blood.” We agree, but we also must live in the real world. Financial realities and economic imperatives must also drive our plans and decision-making. Until giant bags of money fall from the sky to make our biggest plans happen, we will work to ensure that communities can thrive, and good developments can succeed financially. We plan for projects that build and grow healthy, successful communities while expanding economic opportunities.


Let’s get started.