Project Planning & Permitting


With over three decades of work in and for the communities of Southern New England, Tyche’s planners have an intimate understanding of how development projects get designed, permitted, and built. We have assisted numerous clients in every phase of project development, beginning with location of potential sites and preliminary assessment of suitability. The project must fit the economics, environment, market, and community context.

Once the site and scope are identified, we work closely with the developer and the municipal staff to understand the regulations and procedures to move from concept to permit. We will often seek to conduct preliminary discussions with staff, Commission, and neighbors to ensure that the project proceeds smoothly and transparently. If the regulations need to be adjusted to enable and facilitate the client’s objective, we work closely with the municipality to ensure that those adjustments are reflective of the community’s larger vision.

We take the lead in preparing the relevant permitting document, working in conjunction with technical staff to develop complete and comprehensible plans and specifications. We represent the applicant at Commission and Board meetings and work to ensure that the project meets the needs of the client and reflects the vision of the community. Some of our win-win development projects have included: gas station/convenience stores; multifamily residences (both market and Affordable); retail stores; mixed-use plazas; and historic mill redevelopment.


Comprehensive & Master Planning